We are happy to announce that Kitchen Knife Records is now a subdivision under “Calling Records”. Calling Records is a Christian rock record label based in Japan. Kitchen Knife Records is going to carry “Loud & Heavy” music mainly, while Calling Records’ main label will carry more Japanese market friendly pop rock music. 2017年、キッチンナイフレコーズは、Calling Recordsの傘下の一部門として運営されることになりました。 Calling Recordsは日本には珍しいクリスチャンロックのレコードレーベルです。 Calling Recordsのメインレーベルにおいて、より日本のマーケット向けのポップやロックをリリースするかたわら、Kitchen Knife Recordsはラウドミュージック、ヘヴィミュージックを担当する部門として運営される予定です。 Calling Records http://callingrecordsjapa.wixsite.com/callingrecords Kitchen Knife Records https://www.kitchenkniferecords.com/
English Posts
Imari Tones “Jesus Wind”

Artist: Imari Tones (伊万里音色) Title: Jesus Wind Album KKRS-023 Release Date: November 9, 2017 Recorded in 2016 Available at following stores and other streaming services as well. iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/jesus-wind/1310150029 BandCamp https://imaritones.bandcamp.com/album/jesus-wind AmazonMP3 https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Wind-Imari-Tones/dp/B07793RRR8/ Song Sample Jesus Wind by IMARi ToNES Movies Press Release For Immediate Release Contact: Tak Nakamine Email: [email protected] Date: November 16, 2017 Title: Japanese Christian Metal Band IMARI TONES releases new album “Jesus Wind”, a concept album about Japanese history Yokohama, Japan – November 16, 2017 – Japanese Christian heavy metal band Imari Tones releases new album […]
Imari Tones “Revive The World”

Artist: Imari Tones (伊万里音色)Title: Revive The WorldAlbumKKRS-022Release Date: October 20, 2015Recorded in 2014 Available at following stores: iTuneshttps://itunes.apple.com/us/album/revive-the-world/id1049191149 BandCamphttps://imaritones.bandcamp.com/album/revive-the-world AmazonMP3http://www.amazon.com/Revive-World-Imari-Tones/dp/B016N0Y5P6/ Song Sample Revive The World by IMARi ToNES Movies: Imari Tones is a Christian heavy metal band based in Yokohama, Japan. They have been recording independently for a long time and this is their….we don’t even bother counting… like, 14th studio album? It depends on how you count but this is their 5th studio recording since they started their “Christian Metal” thing. Imari Tones website:http://www.imaritones.net/
Atsuki Ryo with Jesus Mode 2nd EP “Burning Fire”

Artist: Atsuki Ryo with Jesus Mode (熱きリョウとジーザスモード)Title: Burning FireEPKKRS-021Released in July 2015Recorded in 2014&2015 Available at following stores: iTuneshttps://itunes.apple.com/us/album/burning-fire-ep/id1018590993 BandCamphttps://jesusmode.bandcamp.com/album/burning-fire AmazonMP3http://www.amazon.com/Burning-Fire-Atsuki-Jesus-Mode/dp/B011N4CAWW/ Song Sample Burning Fire by Atsuki Ryo with Jesus Mode Movie “Atsuki Ryo with Jesus Mode” is a Christian heavy metal band based in Tokyo Japan. This is their 2nd EP. They play straightforward Japanese heavy metal. Atsuki Ryo with Jesus Mode website:https://www.kitchenkniferecords.com/jesusmode/
- English Posts
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“Soul of Faith” Nagano trip movie
The guys from “Soul of Faith” did a short tour to Nagano prefecture to play a local Hanami festival last month.Here is a movie from that short trip, featuring their skateboarding and acoustic performance.
Soul of Faith “Soul of Faith” self titled 1st album

Artist: Soul of Faith Title: Soul of Faith Album KKRS-019 Recorded in 2014 Available at following stores: iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/soul-of-faith/id938072668 BandCamp https://souloffaith.bandcamp.com/ AmazonMP3 http://www.amazon.com/Soul-Faith/dp/B00PR9RGMO/ Song Sample Soul of Faith by Soul of Faith Movie Soul of Faith, aka SolFai (ソルフェイ) is a Christian rock/pop band based in Machida, Tokyo. Their music is based on J-Pop/Punk/Rock and their live performance is really energetic and passionate. This is their 1st full length album recorded in 2014. Soul of Faith website: http://solfai2013.wix.com/solfai
Atsuki Ryo with Jesus Mode “Soldiers Into Hell EP”

Artist: Atsuki Ryo with Jesus ModeTitle: Soldiers Into Hell EPEPKKRS-017Recorded in 2011-2012 Available at following stores iTuneshttps://itunes.apple.com/us/album/soldiers-into-hell-ep/id550108053 Amazon.comhttp://www.amazon.com/Soldiers-Into-Hell/dp/B008T9V14I/ Song Sample Movies FootnoteThis is a debut EP of “Atsuki Ryo with Jesus Mode”. They are a Christian heavy metal band influenced by Stryper. They play straightforward heavy metal. Because they started as a duo and later they became a 4-piece band, the rhythm section of this EP was played by a sequencer.
Imari Tones “Kodomo Metal”

Artist: Imari Tones Title: Kodomo Metal Album KKRS-003 Recorded in 1999 Available at following stores iTunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/kodomo-metal/id304369856 BandCamp http://imaritones.bandcamp.com/album/kodomo-metal Song Sample Movies Footnote This is 3rd recording work in Imari Tone’s recording catalog. Recorded in 1999 by Tak Nakamine. It’s one-man-home-recording masterpiece. Totally unique music throughout the album. Basically hard rock and metal, with alternative, britpop and hiphop elements mixed.