We are happy to announce that Kitchen Knife Records is now a subdivision under “Calling Records”. Calling Records is a Christian rock record label based in Japan. Kitchen Knife Records is going to carry “Loud & Heavy” music mainly, while Calling Records’ main label will carry more Japanese market friendly pop rock music. 2017年、キッチンナイフレコーズは、Calling Recordsの傘下の一部門として運営されることになりました。 Calling Recordsは日本には珍しいクリスチャンロックのレコードレーベルです。 Calling Recordsのメインレーベルにおいて、より日本のマーケット向けのポップやロックをリリースするかたわら、Kitchen Knife Recordsはラウドミュージック、ヘヴィミュージックを担当する部門として運営される予定です。 Calling Records http://callingrecordsjapa.wixsite.com/callingrecords Kitchen Knife Records https://www.kitchenkniferecords.com/
Month: November 2017
Imari Tones “Jesus Wind”

Artist: Imari Tones (伊万里音色) Title: Jesus Wind Album KKRS-023 Release Date: November 9, 2017 Recorded in 2016 Available at following stores and other streaming services as well. iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/jesus-wind/1310150029 BandCamp https://imaritones.bandcamp.com/album/jesus-wind AmazonMP3 https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Wind-Imari-Tones/dp/B07793RRR8/ Song Sample Jesus Wind by IMARi ToNES Movies Press Release For Immediate Release Contact: Tak Nakamine Email: [email protected] Date: November 16, 2017 Title: Japanese Christian Metal Band IMARI TONES releases new album “Jesus Wind”, a concept album about Japanese history Yokohama, Japan – November 16, 2017 – Japanese Christian heavy metal band Imari Tones releases new album […]